Monday, March 17, 2008

Justa Slow reader.

image Am I the slowest reader you have every met in your life or what? If you look down the right sidebar down towards the bottom you'll see my "list" of books I'm reading. I've been reading this book for months now. I can rip through a good book in a couple of days at the most. I'm most of the way into it and it's a darn good read but I can't for the life of me set aside even a couple of minutes a day to finish it. I'll let you know when I do. Hopefully we're not talking years here:). It's amazing how life grabs you by the Curly Cues and doesn't let go isn't it.That being said, I'd rather be busy than dead. You know what I mean?

If you get a chance check out these neat sideshow's that Anuj brought my attention to here  they are more than worth the trip over there. He's put a lot of work into them. He's given permission to imbed them on the Blog so I'm going to try to do that soon.

Another site that will get you thinking, I hope, is Tom Stine's site. Tom is building quite a community over there. I'm signed up. Come on over and enjoy other people's journey's that we call life. A couple of the people are talking about Foster care. This is something Cindy and I are thinking of doing. I know it would be a rewarding experience,and we feel we could help some children in need at a critical time in their lives. Stay tuned. We Just have so much going on in our lives right now what with the potential move and all.

I am so glad my name is not Elliot right now.Momma is still seeing Red every time his name is brought up.I still try to tell her that "it takes two to tango" but.... Speaking of news. On the home front Magna continues to make the news. Did you see in the business section of the Post Standard? They appear to be optimistic but at the same time it sounds like they need to drum up some business from overseas to ward off any more layoffs. What do you think?

In closing this morning I'm working on that post for the McDonald's franchising that I started last week. I hope to have that done tomorrow. I'm justa saying!


Anonymous said...

i am a horrible reader...and my spelling sucks...wish you would put in spell would make me a whole lot smarter looking...i enjoy reading but it's like my golf game...i get my moneies worth...the last book i read in two days was doctor suese....i think it was Go Dog Go... i thought it was a house training i was wrong....i love good action books they keep my intrest...
and as for MAGNA!!! the mighty magna...same story different me the way and i shall follow...hey and back to that....sunset that a golden brown sunset or a brunette shade....and i wonder if theres any grass growin on the beach...hmmmm.well thanks for the vine

Mark Krusen said...

Hi Jack, May I call you Jack? Slow and steady wins the race. It doesn't matter how fast you read, just as long as you do it.As far as putting spell check in. I'll have to look into that. When I'm commenting back on your comments, I have spell check.As for it making You look smarter, Don't forget that picture of you and I on a previous post. Remember the similarities?And yes thank God for spell check. It saves me about every 3rd word :)That picture has gotten me in a lot of hot water. My life has been a beach since I posted it.For the life of me I'll never understand what women find so offensive about the picture. I mean come on ladies, there is a sunsetin it. Really there is. I'm justa saying!