Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mrs Justa and the ocean

The ocean,

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(courtesy of picsexplained.blogspot.com)  I gotta tell you it is one of my favorite places to be. I think we are born in places that our hearts long for if we ever leave them. I was born in Bridgeport Ct in the early 50s, and I really love New England. image There is so much to see in a little bit of travel time. I did go back to New England for a few months, worked in Enfield Ct and lived in Springfield, Mass. It only took 15 minutes to get to work, but I was in a different state. I liked the fact that in 1 1/2 hrs I could be in the mountains or walking along the ocean.

I found the folks from New England an easier folk,

I do not think where I lived that people even knew what stress was, I was the mad dasher from New York, the supervisor who worked along the others, and everyone thought because I was from New York that meant NY City. Well, NY is much bigger then just NYC, I am in upstate NY, we have farms around us, smell manure when the wind blows just right, an acre of lawn to mow, and 6 miles from the nearest big store.

It is nice here,

but my heart is at the ocean and mountains. For it is at the ocean and mountains I am reminded how insignificant I am in the whole scheme of life. I realize how much power there is around us that we have no control over. For those of you by the ocean, talk a deep breath of the sea breeze for me, and for those near a mountain, go for a walk and feel the crisp air, and watch the stars at night, uninterrupted by civilization. Peace to all, Good Night, Cindy

Monday, August 11, 2008

Mrs Justa and her first car

Okay , so now I will sound like my grand parents or my parents. Back in 1971, ( yes there were cars back then) I borrowed $500.00 from my older brother and his wife and bought my first car. FIRST CAR It was a 1965 checker limousine, I kid you not. This was an old airport limousine taxi that was sold to me from Magari's Sunoco station -  I painted ( with spray paint) over the "airport" and changed it to the Smiling Limousine. I had yellow on the doors and then I painted big smiley faces, one in the trunk and one on the hood.

In the inside there was a seat in the way back, a folding seat in the middle that folded forward , a middle seat that folded up and a hug bouncy bench seat in the front. It's back door swung open the length of 2 doors, and you could fold the middle seat up so that one could sit in the way back seat and stretch your legs way out. The floor space was actually big enough that I used to say I would put a water bed in it.

Oh I loved that car, on the ceiling I had posters, and I would have sticks of incense cranked in the windows. I would sometimes pick up 10 to 12 friends, and we would go to a place called the Scene East in Syracuse and dance till the lights went out. I was the designated driver- so to speak, so I would dance but stay sober.

Oh what fun we have in our days of first cars. This car had a personality, it had a sense of affection, it was filled with memories and senses of wonder. I was a good girl, had platonic relationships, that made life fun. Getting intimately involved with guys was just not the thing to do, because once it went to intimacy than it became a commitment . It was so much fun to have fun, and just enjoy each other. No strings except the ties of friendships.

It was a good time, back in the 70's. I earned $1.35 per hr as a waitress, and paid my brother back $25.00 a week.

But ya know what, I loved that car, loved that my brother trusted me to borrow the money, and loved my life.

I hope this brings out some happy memories to you too. Love, Mrs Justa

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Mrs Justa on time

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I once heard someone say that time must be used as a tool and not a couch. That made me think about what I do with time.


Do I take it for granted- I think I do. Do I appreciate every second given to me for my life- I think not. Before I know it my hour glass will be on the empty side of life, and what regrets might I have? What accomplishments will I have been able to say I have done.

That is a soul searching train of thoughts that I have over this one. I know I have written before and I think it all the time that this second will never be again. But thinking it and acting on it are 2 entirely different things.

I think there is a lot I have not done,that I wish I had. I have have these moments of looking at the younger people around me and envying the time they have left. I watch there accomplishments and am glad for them but in the same token it makes me aware of all the time I couched it instead of built with it.

I have not praised God as much as I should, I have not spent quality time as often as I have wanted with my family, with my friends. I have not taken time for me and Mark to enjoy life. I never went after a singing career and wished I had, I never got to stay thin, something I long for even today, I never wrote some letters that I wished I had, never wrote the book I wanted to, never entered photo contests. I must start.

My wish for you is that time as it passes does not get abused on a couch, go for your goals, seek what you are seeking, and live life. Love Cindy