Post !
I was going to just leave it at that. But that didn't seem fair to my legions of fans. Ha Ha. After all you took the time to click on your mouse to come over here to read my words of wisdom didn't you? I read somewhere {on another blog} that you shouldn't talk about what you ate on your blog because no body cares.
Well the hell with that guy. What the heck could he know about blogging he only has thousands of subscribers , 6 or 7 books... Momma and I went out for lunch today on our way to the movie.(More on that later) I had a Cheeseburger Deluxe with fries and a soda. Now there, aren't you glad you came over to read that? It was at Marianne's Diner in Phoenix, Ny at the jct of 481 and 264 if your going to drive all the way out here to try it. It was a pretty good Cheeseburger. I might as well tell you what Mamma had. 2 eggs(scrabbled well), Bacon, Homefries and home made bread. The total bill came to about $15.00. This is a diner that Momma and I meet up with the Mayor of Baldwinsville and his wife for breakfast a lot.
After that we let Badger out then went to the movies. We saw the one I've wanted to see since seeing the trailers. Gran Torino. It wasn't to shabby. Clint Eastwood directed,produced and starred in it. It's done pretty good at the box office so he'll make another gazillion dollars.(I didn't sound bitter did I?) It wasn't too bad of a movie but wait till it comes out in DVD. We spent $15.00 on tickets,$10.25 on a medium bag of popcorn and a box of Goobers {can't watch a movie without goobers} another $4.50 on a medium diet soda. So add it up.$15.00 + at the diner and another $29.50 to go to the movies {Damn) and it was a matinee. Momma sure is expensive to take out on a date. Now if we were still dating I would expect a little somethin somethin if you know what I mean. Now that we have been together for 24 years(who's counting) getting lucky for me is if momma falls a sleep before I do.