This is day one of the new experiment in taking my Abilify 1/2 dose every other day. I am typing this at 3:30 am on Saturday morning. This is a slight improvement on my sleep pattern from a few days ago. I went to sleep last night at about 11:30 and woke up at 3:30 am. That's four hours in a row. Not bad for me. I'm going to type and publish this post and climb back into bed. Hopefully sleeping until at least 7:00am.
Today is going to be a busy day in JustaKrusenville. We have to go grocery shopping. That's right Save A Lot here we come. We might have to toss in a Wally world or P&C into the trip because of the things we can't get at Save A Lot.We are going to run back up to where the lots are and make sure of the one we want. Sue from the Realty company said there are a total of 8 lots available ranging in price from $20,000 for a small one at the front of the complex to $30,000 for some larger wooded ones down the road farther. One good thing is that the road is a dead end. So no thru traffic will be coming by at all hours of the day and night. The one we are seriously considering is about 1 acre costing $23,900. We are pretty excited about the possibilities and are justa trying to cross our T and dot the I's.
We also are going to go up to Crouse Hospital and visit a coworker of Cindy's. She just had a C-Section and wants Cindy to come up and take a few pictures of the baby. (See,Momma does a little bit of everything) Some time today speaking of babies, we are going over to Jeff & Amanda's and see the baby's new room that Jeff & Amanda have remodeled. Somewhere in here the next few days we have to start packing seriously as we may be moving within 30 days and if thats the case we have 17 years worth of stuff to pack to move to the new house. Just the thought of that is a little over whelming. Good thing Momma is so organized and through when working on something. Those of you that work with her will know that from seeing her at work.
We finally sat down together last night and watched a movie. Of course Cindy was sewing something while watching the movie. As sit turns out I wish I was sewing instead of watching the movie.(And I don't even sew) We I hate to admit it watched the movie "Babel". It had Brad Pitt in it. To say the least the movie was under whelming. Not only did you have to listen to the foreign language which I didn't speak, you had to read along with Mitch on the bottom of the screen. If I wanted to read a book I'd read a book. The Story line was pretty bazaar also. It made sense at the end because it all tied in, but I thought a couple of the stories were tossed in to the movie just for fill. I'm not a movie critic but I have to give this movie a "Don't bother" on the should I watch this movie scale. Justa my opinion.
Tomorrow is Sunday and I'm taking the day of from blogging again. I hope you had a great day on Saturday and a restful Sunday. We'll catch you back here on Monday bright and early. Don't forget to sign up for the email subscription to get each and every update mailed right into your inbox so you don't miss even one day of life with the Krusen's . Thanks for stopping by.
I'm first I gave you enough of a head start. Great post Mark. Keep up the great work. Good luck on your adventures. Your alter ego.
I'm very happy for you guys I can't wait to see everything. Please let us know if you need any help with moving, after next couple of week-ends we are free and clear to be of service. You know our number! Have a great Sunday!
Thanks Sandy. We may need some help with eating some food soon after we move in. Would you be able to help us with that or no. Let us know.
FYI: I like this layout!
Thanks Dawn, I'll keep it like this for a while then. Hope all is going well with you.
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