Monday, February 9, 2009

Justa special post for a special announcement!

I couldn't wait until the next time I blogged so I decided to do a quick update.   Cindy and I are going to be Grandparents again.Adrianne my little Girlie (Ok she's 27) and her husband Josh are having a baby. The baby is due September 24th. So now we are going to be grandparents times two. Now Brandon will have a cousin he can teach how to get in trouble. Stay tuned for Spoilings(I mean updates)


Pyrs said...

Congratulations, big time Mark! You are blessed.
- Pete

Mark Krusen said...

Thanks Pete.

soulful sepulcher said...

Congratulations proud Grandparents! That's exciting!

Mark Krusen said...

Thanks Stephany.

A said...

Dear Mark and concerned others:

I can only hope the baby doesn't get the U.G.L.Y Jeans/Genes from Mark and ends up one of those twisted on steroids cheering Yankee fans {laughing}.

Congrats I guess on being so old now Mark; that you can tell your grand kids how when you were still a young liberal carrying your boy purse, stone wheels were square {Smirk}.

Of course that story about walking 50 miles up hill through 12 feet of snow in a blizzard both ways to school in always a great guilt trip to pass along also.

And to think another Dumocrat enters the world to promise change! At least this time they we be correct, with all those diapers Mark will enjoy changing soon{laughing}.

Have they thought of a name yet? Maybe Obubba if it’s a boy, or Nancy Pepsi-lib for a girl {Belly Laugh}.

You're Bloggery Pal,

Mark Krusen said...


Thanks! I think!

Ana said...

Hi Mark!
Now I can download everything and see clearly!
Stan is jealous!{laughing}

Mark Krusen said...

That's great news about your computer. Welcome to the 21st century. It must have made a world of difference. Now you can go on and hassle Stan. We need to work on keeping him grounded.

A said...

Dear Mark and Ana:

Is Ana Joining U.G.L.Y. now? It’s just like you liberal communist types to export your subversive pompous self-aggrandizing blather to the Brazil Nuts {Laughing}. I wonder what is next on the list with your secularized pious plot to poison are precious bodily essence with your panty waist laissez-faire propaganda? Are you going to redesign one of those sequin man purses to send Ana, monogrammed in pink silk with the U.G.L.Y banner plastered across It; or are you just sending her one of your man bowls Fed-Ex to keep her nuts and handyman in? {Cracking up}
Ana, are sure you want to play on these dangerous train tracks with the Big Boys {Smirk}? You’re not going to threaten to hit me over the head with your U.G.L.Y. Man Purse, are you {Laughter Abounds}?

With deep caring and respect you’re Pal,

Mark Krusen said...


Now your starting to pick on Women from other countries. Why have all the women from this country blocked you from their blogs?{Smirk}

I see you and the Penguins plotting your next comment. I was wondering where you got all your fancy words and rambling wit. It's from the "You must be a Redneck if."

ladyjane64 said...

Congrats, maybe you guys will get a cute little girl this time. But no matter as long as they are healthy. What lucky kids to have such wonderful Granparents!! Love, Sandy

Mark Krusen said...

Thanks Sandy,
Your check is in the mail.

Ana said...

What on earth does it stands for?
I'm afraid that if was born ten years before I would have to be a communist or would be called so.
I would fight dictatorship.
When I was a teenager I didn't know exactly what was happening but sometimes I thought that if I would stand torture and not tell on my "friends".
You would also Stan.
I'm sure you would be part of the lefties who did fight.
They were quite naive but you know... all lefties are.
The big problem of revolutionary people is that they(?) never know how to make the revolution.
Ok! There are revolutions and revolutions.
But why am I saying all of this?
It's always Stan's fault!

Mark Krusen said...

The last line in your last comment says it all.

susan said...

If there is anything better in life than babies, I don't know of it.


Mark Krusen said...

The only thing better in life than babies is,when they aren't yours and you can spoil them and send them home.