Friday, May 9, 2008

justa Wishen all the Mom's out there a happy mothers day!

Wendi Kelly on her blog Life's Little Inspirat

ions had a link to this video. I love the way Martina Mcbride sings. Momma does a lot of her music and it always sends goose bumps down my spine when she does her music. I'm always telling Cindy that Martina would have to sit down and listen to her sing some of the songs that she does. For those of you that have heard Cindy sing I'm sure you would agree with me. This video is awesome and is my present to all of you moms out there. Hey even you future mom's might enjoy it.

As I write this on Friday night for Saturday mornings post. I'm thinking of some of the things Momma and I have coming up tomorrow. The Mayor and his wife are going to be picking us up for breakfast at 08:00 am at Mimi's in Fulton, Ny. If your in the area a great place to eat and its reasonably priced. From there Shawn wanted to see the land. It's almost ours and we will feel better about being there. It's funny the neighbors across the street keep looking over at us like we are Hela monsters or something. I feel like acting crazy and running around the yard bare naked. That would be a warm welcome to the community wouldn't it?

PreciousRock one of my blogging buddies picked on me for doing a post on gas prices. So I better stay away from them for a while. She is missing her buddy Stan the man. If you've been following along with some of the comments you notice Stan has some really long ones sometimes. He's also Bipolar and it shows in his writing. Some of the most caring people I have come across on line are the links to the mental health blogs on my sidebar. They are real, genuine,and honestly care about other people. I guess it takes being down in the dumps to understand and relate to others going through the same things. I value the fast friendships I've developed. Garry Conn isn't a friend but he has reached out to me on a few occasions and I really appreciate him taking the time to do that.  Ian from Forest parks fame and I have connected on a certain level also.

We have about 4 to 6 weeks before we will be able to move into the new house. Momma and I thanks to Len & his wife Cynthia are going to start packing this weekend. I'm going to reach a point where I'm going to have to go dark myself here. I don't know how long it will take me to get back up and running in the other house. We will wait until the last possible moment to disconnect. Hopefully won't be as long as Stan the Man. If your checking in from time to time don't be afraid to check out some of the blogroll sites on the right side bar. There are some kick ass bloggers on that list. Happy Mothers day moms.


Kelvin Oliver said...

I won't be long until you get into the new home. I'm excited to hear the good news. Breakfast with the mayor is awesome. Mother's Day is around corner, like tomorrow exactly. Everyone should be proud of their mothers and those who are mother figures to most. Also, thanks for the comment! :)

Quinn said...

I know it's horrible when you fight sometimes, but I get so caught up in the argument flailing my arms about (even when driving) and shouting everyone I argue with gets very intimidated by that I always wonder why aswell.
I read in your profile that you read the bible, does that provide you with any comfort in very interested to know because my friend keeps wanting to show me all these things in the bible but I haven't got round to reading yet.

B said...

they need to advertise mothers day a bit better here, I had nearly forgotten about it, which would've just made tomorrow hell.
wind up giving her some dead daffodils or something... the fight'd be so bad I woudln't be able to watch Columbo!

Anonymous said...

Hey buddy,

I just left a comment on here and it went poof and said something about a duplication error. So, if you don't get it or you get it twice, I'm sure you'll know that it was the google system or your page and not my incompetence, lol. i fail those stupid word verification thingys about half the time. I must be going blind.

Mark Krusen said...


The bible has given me great comfort over the years.I suggest you follow your friends advice and read it.There are life lessons throughout.Some will convict you others will comfort you. For me the literal use of the words and meditating on them give me great comfort.

Mark Krusen said...

Thanks right back to you. My mother and I have had a strained relationship over the years. We are doing much better now. She suffers from depression and I'm Bipolar so it made for some interesting dynamics until we figured out what was going on.

Cindy and I sent her flowers for Mothers day since she lives 2 hrs away and its just long of a drive right now with every thing going on in our lives.

Anonymous said...

wow...yes i have heard my sis is truly amazing...even after throat know that when i sing my missus gets similar goose bumps...but hers are like the ones that you get right before you chorus of taxi and that woman looses 10 pounds...i do what i can...
wow...the thought of you running naked might give cause for your new neighbors to call the local farmer down the road...." hey old of your cows is loose and runnin around in the yard accross the street"....funny udder....yup ain't no milk comin out of that thing...
sher and i stayed up til 2 am up at 5:25, 5:35, and finally at 5:45...tired ambree thats me...well got my fingures that all goes smooth with the house...hard to work this way , but i do what i can...thanks for the vine

Anonymous said...

My Dear Mr. Krusen,

I have decided you must be blocking my comments, waaaaaaah! I have left two comments on this post and the thing kicked me out and didn't save them. Are you going dark on me? LOL

Hope you are having a good day!

Mark Krusen said...

PresiousRock, I wouldn't block your comments even if you were mean to me and called me all kinds of sundry things. I look forward to your comments.

I will be going dark in a few weeks when we move. I hope I don't stay away as long as Stan did.

Mark Krusen said...

I can relate. Good thing you found out before the great day and not a few days after. I did that with my daughters birthday this year. I won't let that happen again.Thanks for stopping in again.

B said...

today was hell in the supermarket with people buying flowers...
almost as bad as valentines evening, all these terrified men grabbing anything that looks like a flower, few fellas probably brought home celery and rhubarb to their valentines.